Beat Bullying


Post program follow through plan for teachers and facilitators

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Dear Teacher / Facilitator,

Welcome to the BEAT Bullying post-program follow-through plan of lessons and activities to support the drive to BEAT Bullying at your school.

This 3 year stage-based transitional program comprises of the following structure and learning outcomes for each stage:

Students learn:

  • The differences between healthy and unhealthy banter, peer to peer conflict and bullying behaviours and the various forms of bullying behaviours.
  • The impact and effects of bullying on all members of the school community.
  • The monkeys on the backs of bullies that drive their behaviour.
  • Practical strategies to enable bullies to stop their behaviour and become a beauty.

Building on Year 1, students learn:

  • The monkeys on the backs of bullied students that foster a victim mindset.
  • ​Practical strategies for bullied students to shift from victim to victor, develop emotional and social intelligence and resilience (offline and online) as well as help-seeking strategies, including how to break the fear barrier.

Building on Year 1 and 2, students learn:

  • The monkeys on the backs of bystanders that result in inaction and non-intervention, and the various types of witnesses.
  • Practical strategies for witnesses to become bravehearts, effectively step in and discourage bullying behaviours, overcome the fear of being labelled as a ‘snitch’ to report bullying, and promote a bully-free, inclusive and thriving “monkey-free” school culture.

Below, you will be able to access and download the following:

  • General guidance notes for teachers and facilitators, which are to be used in conjunction with the list of lesson activities provided to help you plan, design and facilitate meaningful follow-up lessons to the BEAT Bullying program incursion.
  • Activities targeting all three areas – The Bully, The Bullied, and The Bystander – including answer guidances for you.
  • Illustrations of the key messages covering all three areas – The Bully, The Bullied, and The Bystander.

For ease of reference, you can either download the entire pack of resources as one PDF file, or you can download individual categories only. Up to you.

Thank you for contributing to the important drive to BEAT Bullying at your school.

Daniel Merza