Dan’s Insights & Tips



5 Strategies For Principals

building resilience

In the world of education, where change is constant, resilience is key. It’s the backbone of a thriving, forward-thinking educational institution. School principals are not just leaders but also architects of school culture.

Having worked in leadership roles for over a decade in leading companies prior to my work in schools, I have been fortunate to witness the power of culture firsthand. I’ve also had the privilege of visiting a wide range of schools across Australia and internationally, and one thing is clear: culture is something that can be sensed and experienced. Whether it’s the vibrant and nourishing cultures or the harmful and damaging ones, the impact of culture is palpable. A thriving culture rises and falls on leadership. That’s the harsh yet exciting reality.

Therefore, fostering resilience among staff is crucial in building a positive and adaptive educational environment, enabling staff to overcome the monkeys that hold them back from personal and professional growth.

According to David Villa, a Forbes Councils Member, resilience is the ability to endure adversity while remaining determined to keep moving forward. It doesn’t mean there won’t be pain or failures along the way. School staff, including teachers and administrative personnel, face numerous daily challenges while shaping young minds and managing logistical responsibilities.

By building resilience in school staff, school principals can cultivate a culture of persistence, positivity, and adaptability to overcome challenges and embrace growth in the ever-changing landscape of education. Furthermore, resilience is intrinsically linked to wellbeing. Research shows that resilient individuals experience lower stress levels, improved mental health, and higher life satisfaction.

“Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It’s the courage to continue that counts.”

(Winston Churchill)

As a school leader, you may already be aware of various strategies to empower your staff and foster resilience in the face of challenges. However, it’s essential to revisit and reinforce these strategies to ensure their effectiveness and continued implementation.

Here are 5 practical strategies to help you remove the monkeys off your staff’s backs and enhance their resilience, which you may already be familiar with but are worth emphasizing and integrating into your leadership approach:



Promoting a growth mindset among your staff is essential for building resilience, and empowers staff to overcome the monkey of self-doubt, embrace new opportunities, and continually strive for growth and improvement.

Here are a few suggestions to cultivate a growth mindset:

  • Organize training sessions where teachers can explore new instructional strategies, adapt them to their classrooms, and learn from failures in a safe space.
  • Explore project-based learning through training sessions to enhance student engagement.
  • Support teachers in viewing the implementation of new technology tools as opportunities for growth and skill development.
  • Facilitate collaborative projects and team-based initiatives, promoting learning from each other’s experiences and embracing experimentation and continuous improvement.
  • Introduce reflection activities or journals for teachers to assess their professional growth, identify areas of improvement, and set goals for further development.

“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.”

William Shakespeare



Promoting open communication creates a culture of resilience where everyone’s voice is heard and valued, and also helps teachers overcome the monkey of isolation and build a sense of collective resilience.

Here are a few suggestions to foster open communication:

  • Establish regular staff meetings where everyone has an opportunity to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Encourage an open and inclusive atmosphere where all staff members feel comfortable sharing their perspectives.
  • Implement an open-door policy that allows staff members to seek guidance or discuss challenges they may be facing. Foster an environment where teachers feel supported and know they have a safe space to voice their concerns.
  • Encourage constructive feedback systems where teachers can provide input on school policies and practices, such as anonymous suggestion boxes or collaborative brainstorming sessions. . Regularly seek input from staff to gather diverse perspectives and improve the overall functioning of the school.
  • Facilitate collaborative team-building activities or professional learning communities where teachers can engage in discussions, share best practices, and learn from one another. Encourage a culture of collaboration and mutual support.

“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t being said. The art of reading between the lines is a lifelong quest of the wise.”

(Shannon L. Alder, a Best Selling LDS Author)



Acknowledging the efforts and successes of your staff is a powerful way to boost morale and resilience. Foster a culture of positivity and self-belief through celebrating both small and significant achievements.

Here are a few suggestions to promote recognition and celebration:

  • Publicly recognize a teacher who has implemented an innovative teaching approach that positively impacted student learning outcomes. Highlight their achievements during a staff meeting or through a newsletter to showcase their contributions.
  • Organize monthly or quarterly staff appreciation events where outstanding contributions are acknowledged. Take the time to publicly celebrate the hard work and dedication of individual teachers or teams.
  • Implement a “Wall of Fame” or a recognition board in a common area where staff accomplishments, such as completing professional development courses or receiving accolades, are displayed. This creates a visual reminder of their successes and promotes a positive and resilient school culture.
  • Provide personalized notes of appreciation or small tokens of recognition to staff members who consistently demonstrate resilience and go above and beyond in their roles. Simple gestures of appreciation can have a significant impact on their motivation and sense of self-worth.

By highlighting successes and celebrating achievements, you foster a positive and resilient school culture that encourages continuous growth while silencing the monkey of self-criticism.



“There is no health without mental health; mental health is too important to be left to the professionals alone, and mental health is everyone’s business.”

(Vikram Patel, Professor in the Department of Global Health and Population)

Creating a supportive work environment helps unburden the monkey of overwhelm, enhance staff resilience, and enable teachers to navigate challenges more effectively and manage workload and stress.

Here are a few suggestions to cultivate a supportive work environment:

  • Implement wellness programs that prioritize physical and mental health, such as offering yoga classes or mindfulness sessions. These activities can help teachers relax, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.
  • Provide access to counseling services or create partnerships with mental health professionals who can offer support and guidance to teachers facing overwhelming challenges. This allows teachers to seek assistance when needed and promotes their mental well-being.
  • Encourage a healthy work-life balance by setting clear expectations for workload and providing resources for effective time management. Support teachers in prioritizing self-care and finding a balance between their professional and personal lives. According to Health Direct, rest periods are equally vital for success because they “recharge your batteries”.
  • Foster a sense of community through team-building activities or mentorship programs, creating opportunities for staff members to support and uplift each other. Encourage collaboration, peer support, and shared problem-solving to reduce the feeling of overwhelm and promote a supportive network within the school.



Investing in professional development empowers your staff to break free from the monkey of stagnation, embrace continuous learning, and foster a culture of growth within your school.

Here are a few suggestions to invest in professional development:

  • Bring in external speakers or trainers who specialize in resilience-building to inspire and empower teachers. Their insights and practical strategies can ignite a sense of motivation and rejuvenation among staff.
  • Arrange workshops on stress management techniques, self-care practices, or mindfulness exercises. Equip teachers with practical tools to effectively manage stress and maintain their well-being.
  • Invite experts to conduct sessions on innovative teaching methodologies, technology integration, or subject-specific pedagogy. These trainings enhance teachers’ knowledge and skills, opening new avenues for growth and professional advancement.
  • Recommend relevant books or online resources that promote resilience, personal development, or educational leadership. Encourage teachers to engage in self-directed learning and explore new ideas to stay motivated and continuously improve their practice. A great place for staff to access free online courses covering an array of topics with certificates and diplomas is alison.com.

To conclude, school leaders have the power and influence to help staff overcome the monkeys on their back, and cultivate resilience. By cultivating a growth mindset, fostering open communication, recognizing effort and celebrating success, creating a supportive work environment, and investing in professional development and resilience training, staff can be empowered to thrive amidst challenges.

I’ll leave you with the inspiring words of none other than Maya Angelou:

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”

(Maya Angelou)

Embrace resilience as a transformative force and watch as it becomes the driving force behind personal and professional success in your school community.

For short inspiring videos applicable to both professional and personal life, follow my instagram page @danielmerza or connect with me on LinkedIn here.

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Daniel is an award-winning international speaker, trainer, transformational coach, and author, specialising in wellbeing and leadership.

Daniel has developed clever and fun ways to engage, empower and equip thousands of people worldwide  – from students, parents, educators to corporate professionals and business entrepreneurs –  to get the monkeys off their back and thrive. He has been featured on radio and media outlets, and his work has also been acknowledged in NSW Parliament.

Daniel is an accredited Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), an international designation that recognises the experience and professional capability of Australia’s leading speakers.  Daniel is also an accredited Mental Health First Aid Trainer.

To order Daniel’s book Get the Monkeys off Your Backclick here. For more information on Daniel’s school programs, click here. For corporate programs, click here.

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